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WELLCAP Anytime gel caps simply consist of THC distillate. Whether you are looking for an additional boost of THC or want something to relax with, Anytime Wellcaps are an easy addition to your wellness routine.
Ratio: 2:1:1:1 | THC:CBD:CBG:CBN:THCV Per Package: 100mg THC | 50mg CBD | 50mg CBG | 50mg CBN | 50mg THCV Per Gelcap: 5mg THC | 2.5mg CBD | 2.5mg CBG | 2.5mg CBN | 2.5mg THCV WELLCAP Harmony gel caps bring centered and soothing balance to a busy life. Alongside THC, Harmony gel capsules consist of CBG (anti-anxiety), CBN (calmness), CBD (body relaxation), and THCV (uplifting). This package contains 20 Harmony gel capsules.
All WELLCAP gel capsules are SUGAR-FREE, GLUTEN-FREE and ZERO CALORIES, making them a great alternative to traditional edibles.
Harmony-Pink Capsule
THC9: 50.47mg
CBD: 25.26mg
CBN: 24.60mg
CBG: 27.72mg
THCV: 23.94mg
TAC: 151.98mg
Anytime-Yellow Capsule
THC9: 49.54mg
CBN: 0.38mg
CBG: 1.83mg
THCV: 1.46mg
TAC: 53.20mg
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255 Elm St
Somerville, MA 02144
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